The Board is the governing body of the CAL, and its members act as strategic advisors and supervisors in the development of the organization.
The Board consists from five members, elected by the CAL’s General Assembly for two years period.
The competence of the Board includes:
• to approve CAL's strategy and to supervise its implementation;
• to approve / revoke the Director and determine the remuneration of the Director;
• to elect / recall the Auditor;
• to decide, if CAL can join international cooperation networks, alliances or organizations;
• in accordance with the Statues, decide on the admission of new members and exclusion of the members;
• to form directions of organization activities in accordance with the established Strategy, if necessary
• to decide other issues that arise during the activities of the organization, unless they are not competence of General Assembley or Director;
• to determine the procedure for payment of membership fees.
Chairman of the Board
Agnese Frīdenberga
senior researcher and lawyer at the Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS, author and co-author of several national and international studies
Chairman of the Board deputy
Miks Muižarājs
founder and board member of the association With World Experience in Latvia , World Bank Analyst and Operations Specialist in the Pacific Region
Members of the Board
Inese Tauriņa
Executive Director of Transparency International Latvia (Delna), Manager of the Alliance Against Corruption in Latvia
Larisa Jaņina (Podskočaja)
Board Member of Association “Russian Voice for Latvia”
Inga Birzgale
President of the National Youth Council of Latvia, project manager of the YOU+ association