Seminars to strengthen the capacity of NGOs

The Civic Alliance - Latvia in 2025 organises online seminars to strengthen the skills and capacity of non-governmental organisations. You can apply here.

  • 23 January at 10.00 seminar "How to work better with national, local and non-governmental partners?" will be moderated by Linda Jākobsone-Gavala, CAL expert in strategic communication and policy development.
  • On 5 February at 10.00 a seminar on "Volunteer Management" will be led by Agnija Jansone, Head of the CAL Volunteering Group and Vice-Chair of the Volunteering Advisory Board.
  • On 12 February at 10.00 a seminar "How to prepare to write a successful project?" Inese Puriņa, Programme Manager of the Active citizens fund.
  • On 12 March at 10.00 a seminar "Argumentation in the decision-making process" will be held by Līna Putāne, CAL's Head of Advocacy.
  • On 25 March at 10.00 a seminar on "Financial Planning" will be held by Kristīne Zonberga, CAL Director.
  • On 23 April, the seminar "eSignature, eAddress and e-Invoicing" will be led by Una Jirgensone (Latvian State Radio and Television Centre) and Ints Balodis (State Digital Development Agency).
  • In April, the seminar "Cyber Security for NGOs: Knowing how to protect your organisation in the digital age" will be held by Līga Atstāja - Gudzuka from the Ministry of Defence and Egils Stūrmanis from CERT. The date of the seminar will be further announced.

The seminars are financially supported by the Ministry of Culture. The Civic Alliance - Latvia is responsible for the information provided.