Memorandum Council discusses current developments in the work of the Council and the role of NGOs in crisis management

On Wednesday, 28 August, the monthly meeting of the Memorandum Council took place, where the new Director of the State Chancellery, Raivis Kronbergs, took part for the first time and presented his priorities:

Crisis management and NGO involvement in these processes,

Strengthening public trust,

Improvements to the Draft Legislation Public Portal legislation,

Strengthening the dialogue between the non-governmental sector and the public administration.

The session discussed the involvement of NGOs in civil protection - Inese Vaivare, Director of the Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation (LAPAS) , presented important conclusions and proposals on the role of civil society in crisis management. The presentation can be found here.

The Council was also informed of amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers' Regulations on the Memorandum Council, which include:

changes to the voting process,

the provision of remuneration for NGO representatives for participation in the Council's meetings,

the right of the Council to delegate representatives in different formats,

the introduction of an extended meeting format.

The amendments are expected to be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers for consideration as early as next week. The CAL's proposals can be found here.

A representative of the Ministry of Finance joined the meeting and informed that the Ministry is open to dialogue and discussion with civil society. The next meeting will take place on 25 September and it is planned that the invited Ministry of Finance will inform the meeting about the budget, the application of UBI to associations and foundations, the draft Law on Public Benefit Organisations, the development of conflict of interest guidelines and other issues relevant to the sector.

The information has been prepared with the financial support of the Society Integration Foundation from the Latvian state budget. The Civic Alliance - Latvia is responsible for the content of the information.

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