The Civic Alliance - Latvia invites researchers to participate and submit quotations for the development of a qualitative study to evaluate the effectiveness and sustainability of the results achieved by the EEA/Norway grant programme "Active Citizens Fund".
Bids must be submitted electronically by 6 August at 8.00. The study must be completed by 2 December this year. The study can be carried out by any legal or natural person who complies with the market research rules, which can be found here.
Please pay attention to the quality of the expected result and the value for money when designing the study. Questions about the study and the preparation of proposals should be submitted by 31 July by contacting Inese Puriņa, Head of the “Active Citizens Fund”, at +371 29811722 or by e-mail at inese.purina@activecitizensfund.lv.
The information obtained from the study will be used for the following purposes:
- To assess the effectiveness and sustainability of the programme's results, as well as its contribution to strengthening civil society in Latvia.
- To develop plans for the new grant period of the Civil Society Fund programme in Latvia, including deliverables and conditions for competitions.
- Represent the needs and interests of Latvian CSOs, especially in relation to financial decision-making processes, in a more effective manner.
The information has been prepared with the financial support of the Society Integration Foundation from the Latvian state budget. The Civic Alliance - Latvia is responsible for the content of the information.