The Civic Alliance – Latvia organised a discussion with potential MEPs about the European Union, its values and future, which will took place on February 5 from 15.00 to 17.00 at the Valmiera Integrated Library, 4 Cēsu Street. The discussion was attended by representatives from the “Jaunā konservatīvā partija”, Kustība “Par!", "Latvijas attīstībai", "Nacionālā apvienība" and "Progresīvie". Participation in the debate is open to parties that have either been elected to the Saeima, elected to the European Parliament, or have publicly announced their candidates for this year's European Parliament elections. Once invited, the party chooses a representative to take part in the debate.
The event included an introductory lecture on the foundations of the European institutions, as well as a debate on the European Union, its values and its future, which included the European Parliament candidates. The discussion was moderated by Iveta Kažoka, researcher and director of the Public Policy Centre "Providus".
In January and February, discussions are organised in five Latvian cities – Riga, Jelgava, Kuldīga, Valmiera and Daugavpils.
The event is part of the "Let's Celebrate Democracy" project, funded by the European Union. The information published here reflects the views only of the Civic Alliance – Latvia, and the European Parliament is not responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The information has been prepared with the financial support of the Society Integration Foundation from the Latvian state budget. The Civic Alliance - Latvia is responsible for the content of the information.