CAL will meet with ministerial representatives on amendments to the draft PBO law

On Friday, 8 November, the Civic Alliance - Latvia (CAL ) will meet with representatives of the Ministries of Culture, Justice and Finance to discuss amendments to the draft Law on Public Benefit Organisations (PBOs) that are important for the non-governmental sector, including the planned amendments to the Law on Corporate Income Tax (CIT). The Minister of Culture, Agnese Lāce, will also be present at the meeting. This will be the first of regular quarterly meetings between the non-governmental sector and the Ministry of Culture to strengthen civil dialogue between decision-makers and civil society.

Topic of the meeting: amendments to the draft PBO law. NGOs have repeatedly opposed the amendments to the draft law, including in September when more than 120 organisations raised the alarm about the Ministry of Finance's intention to impose corporate income tax on organisations as part of the PBO package.

On the meeting with the Ministry of Culture: the aim of these meetings is to create a platform to review policy planning documents and draft legislation, as well as implementation practices, and to jointly develop proposals to improve them. The decision to have the CAL meet regularly with the Ministry of Culture to discuss current developments in the sector was taken in the summer of 2024 when the Ministry of Culture met with CAL representatives.

Given their previous involvement, knowledge and experience in this area, representatives of organisations from PROVIDUS, the Social Entrepreneurship Association of Latvia (SEAL), DOTS Foundation for an Open Society and Vidusdaugavas NGO center were also invited to participate in this meeting. If your organisation would like to express your views on the topic of the meeting, which should be shared with the stakeholders, please contact Līna Putāne, CAL's Advocacy Manager, at

The information has been prepared with the financial support of the Society Integration Foundation from the Latvian state budget. The Civic Alliance - Latvia is responsible for the content of the information.

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